Sunday, February 7, 2010

Oil filled radiators

Oil filled radiators are a cost effective way to keep warm in the colder months especially for the elderly. When compared with other heating methods such as central heating, electric heaters and gas heaters, an oil filled radiator comes out tops.

Electric heaters can become very hot when sitting close to them which makes them dangerous for the elderly and very young, whereas central heating can be expensive to run. Electric heaters are also not as effective at heating up an entire room. The element of an electric heater is also exposed and can become dangerously hot and could become a fire hazard. And gas heaters have the problem of dangerous fumes escaping, which can make these hazardous as well.

Oil filled radiators on the other hand are safer and much more energy efficient. These radiators use heat conserving oil which is heated and then circulated around the actual radiator. This then has the effect of radiating heat into the room it is being utilised in. The oil inside the radiator is not burned so it never needs to be replaced making it very cost effective.

These oil filled radiators are perfect for the elderly in the winter as they will keep a room at the perfect temperature and they will not waste heat elsewhere. Everybody knows that all old people dread the cold weather of winter time as many of them cannot afford the extortionate prices that come with today's heating bills. Many times you hear stories of the elderly getting sick at this time of year because they cannot afford to switch on the central heating in the house. Oil filled radiators can help people reduce heating costs in winter, helping them stay warm and healthy. Not only are they energy efficient, the temperature of the surface of the radiator never reaches dangerous, for the elderly- levels.

This winter is going to be ever so cold, so make sure that you have the necessary heating oil in place.

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